Sunday, March 25, 2018

Shuffling Along - Slice of Life Challenge, Day #25

March 25, 2018

I did it! I ran 8k today. I started and finished within the constraints of the race, which was a concern as the date approached.

I'd like to thank Hal Higdon for his training program.

I'd like to thank my friend Johanna for encouraging me to run and running along with me.

I'd like to thank...

I guess I'm getting carried away here. I have run this race several times before, to be honest. The first time I ran, probably around 2005 or 2006, I think, I was in really good shape to start. I did a Hal Higdon training program, but I didn't realize some basics about shoes (how they wear out) or cross training days (I did step aerobics and other activities that repetitive movement like running). I successfully completed the race but was in such hip and knee pain, I can't even explain. I took public transit there because I lived in the city, and I remember how badly it hurt to go up or down stairs. It was miserable.

After that, I started getting a running magazine and bought good shoes from the running store. And I trained for a half marathon. I ran it, and it went well. The next half-marathon, which I didn't train for, was a nightmare. A boring route and slanted, which was really hard on my hip.

I've done some 5k races since then, but I also switched careers and became a teacher, so my energy level after work was really plummeted. I've really lost the aerobic and physical fitness I had previously, and I've been wanting to improve it for health and aesthetic reasons. So when my friend suggested I sign up for this race to run with her, I thought maybe I would finally get a boost back into shape.

For the past 8 weeks, I've been following trusty old Hal Higdon's Novice Running program - pretty faithfully, though I've had a few extra days off whenever I felt my knees/hips needed it. It's been hard. I am really quick to give up when I'm tired or breathing heavily.

I was a bit nervous about running today because I haven't run the full 5 miles yet. I've run 4.5 with a short walking break for a bit. I was anxious that I would run so slowly that the race would be finished before I made it across the finish line.

Somehow, I managed to run slowly and steadily for all but one little hill at the end. My body was FREEZING, which made it a bit hard to move my legs, and it was crowded, but I'm proud that I was able to keep running for almost all of the race. I'm not fast, but I wasn't last, either!

Woohoo! Now I just have to stay in shape for the Shake It Off 5k on April 7th (A race started by a high school classmate to raise money for Parkinson's research)! Should be a piece of cake!

1 comment:

  1. So impressive... I always dream of being a runner but me 45 year old arthritic knees think otherwise!!! :(
