Monday, March 19, 2018

Garbage Day - Slice of Life Challenge, Day #19

March 19, 2018

Tomorrow is garbage day. And recycling day.

For some reason, garbage day is always the windiest day of the week. I can't figure it out. Mother Nature has something against my neighborhood, I guess.

In many neighborhoods, this wouldn't be a problem, because they have sensible garbage and recycling receptacles. Ones with lids, tops, covers...

But in my town, we have to cart out old garbage bags and plastic tubs for recycling each week. This is a poorly though system, for two reasons:

  1. SKUNKS. RACCOONS. BUNNIES. COYOTE. CATS. We have lots of wildlife. So garbage bags don't survive well overnight. People (and their neighbors) that do bring them out at night wake up to a huge garbage mess on the ground in the morning. Lovely.
  2. WIND. The wind blows the lightweight plastic and cardboard all over the neighborhood. I even lost one of my recycling containers on a particularly windy day. After it was emptied, it was blown down the street, never to be seen again. I received a neighbor's the same way, but they had the forethought to write their address on it, so I returned it in secret a few days later.
Next week the town is going to have a meeting to discuss the problems with the current system. I really am hopeful we switch to a more contained method (though our mayor seems to have something against it). 

Until then, I'll just place the garbage bag on the recycling bin, to try to prevent my recycling from blowing down the street before the trucks come by to pick it up.

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