Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Broken Promise

I was hoping to get a bit of yard work done during this spring break, but, alas, it was not to be. It's been cloudy, rainy, and a bit chilly this whole break. Today's it's rained so much that I have little ponds in my backyard and the side of my house. Hopefully, all this water will result in some lovely May flowers.

In earlier blog post, I discussed my game plan for this summer, which is to refrain from buying a lot of perennials this year, in favor of maintaining what I have and controlling weeds.

Well, that is already a memory, as today I received a tiny Meyer Lemon patio tree in the mail! I'm at it already. It came in a gallon container, with fragrant blooms already gracing the branches. Guilty as charged. I couldn't resist the challenge of trying to keep a citrus tree alive in the Midwest.


  1. I can't wait to get out there and start cleaning up during our spring break in two weeks. It's hard to image that, though, as we have yet another "snow event" that is now headed our way tomorrow. UGH!

  2. I have killed so many plants that I know better than to even think about buying them. Good luck with your Meyer Lemon tree
